Well-Being, Health, & Safety Action Team
Goal: All children are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
Key objectives
- Families are in pshychologically & economically safe and stable homes in neighborhoods with adequate supports.
- Families have access to and receive appropriate, timely, and consistent physical, medical and mental health care.
- Families have food security and access to healthy food.
Initial focus
Evanston is seen as a resource rich community and yet many families continue to be unsuccessful at gaining access to the resources and supports they need. As their initial focus, the Well-Being, Health & Safety Team is working to both improve access to the existing service system as well as to increase citywide understanding of the critical impact of childhood trauma.
This includes expanding the role of the 311 operators beyond city services to also provide access to the wealth of nonprofit social services in the City. This effort will also carefully track service requests to identify service gaps. Simultaneously, this team is working to create a more comprehensive referral system, exploring such models as a one stop shop and an integrated system across existing agencies.
Additionally, the team is committed to transforming Evanston into a trauma-informed community. Far too many of Evanston's children have been exposed to childhood trauma. This trauma can impact children's ability to attend, to learn, to manage stress, and to interpret diverse situations. The Well-Being, Health, & Safety Team is working to substantially increase understanding of the role of trauma and how we can incorporate trauma-informed practices in our schools and nonprofit programming.